How to create a Wildcard subdomain in cPanel?

Last update: 08/Apr/2024

VERY IMPORTANT: Wildcard subdomain supports on CPanel, aaPanel and some other web hosting panels. Please check with your hosting provider or web hosting panel support. It doesn’t work in hPanel.

After adding the wildcard subdomain to DNS, go to .env and enter SUB_DOMAIN and MAIN_DOMAIN in your domain URL (don't use http or https).

For example:
SUB_DOMAIN=www (Use your domain instead of "domain")

If you're using a script on a subdomain, go to .env and enter SUB_DOMAIN and MAIN_DOMAIN in your domain URL (don't use http or https).

For example:
SUB_DOMAIN=subdomain (Use your subdomain instead of "subdomain") (Use your domain instead of "domain")